This is a fact that I am overall very happy with. I look like her, I act like her, and my siblings will tell you that I am a "second mom" to them...whether they like it or not.
I got her smile, her hips, her love for wine and even her singing voice. Of all of this, I am very happy with. Well, you can have the hips but I'll take the rest.
One thing my mother does is confuse her Proper Nouns. For years she has done this and for years we have harassed her for this. Her latest is confusing the popular networking sites and calling them "Myface" and "Spacebook" rather than "MySpace" and "Facebook."
A few months ago I mentioned that I had a crush on a certain boy and was spending time with him. To this my Mom replies: "So, are you and ____ (pause) getting cozy?"
"Getting COZY? WHAT???" I said. Even she thought that one was a little off.
In case you're curious, No, me and ____ were NOT getting "cozy." Whatever that means.
So, I guess Karma's getting back at me because these days as I talk to my sister or my clients (who are all way more into pop culture than I) I find myself asking them about the latest slang and/or rap dance moves. To which they laugh and give me the look that I am oh so familiar with from giving it to my own mother. It's the "Are you seriously asking me this?" and "She is soooo clueless" to which I reply much like my own mother that "I don't really care what ya'll think; just tell me what it means. "
So, I'll raise my glass of wine to you, mom and don't worry, I'm not going to post this on MyFace.
Mom, Elizabeth, Dad