Monday, January 21, 2008

When in Doubt, Ask an Expert

I just got off the phone with my good friend Grant. He called me for advice on a subject in which he just knew I am an expert. Expecting him to ask me about women, dating or fashion, I was all ears, ready to give my expertise advice.
He said that he recently saw something and he just knew that I would be able to identify it because of my extensive knowledge of the subject…mullets.

Yes folks, I am a master of mullets. This knowledge comes not from ever having one or living with anyone who had one (Thanks Dad and Charles) but because of my extensive “mullet watching” hours and various visited websites on the subject.

I have even taken part in the creation of a mullet:

So, as Grant began to explain the logistics of this horrendous ‘do, I knew he had come to the right place. This particular hair-raising hair-do consisted of a bald head with a small, 2-3 in wisp of hair at the base of the hairline. Because the back part is in fact longer than what’s on top, we declared it was, in fact, a mullet. Yes folks, there was definitely a business to party ratio going on.

Because I have never seen this type of mullet before, I was not sure of a name for it. No, it was not a “Kentucky Waterfall” and probably had nothing to do with a Camaro so we affectionally named it a “West Virginia WTF.” I also suggested “neck-warmer” This name, of course, is up for debate and can be changed as we get more suggestions.

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