Sunday, November 9, 2008

They won't be writing any tributes about me.

A while back Danny gave me a book titled "Married to a Pastor." It includes tributes to "good" pastor's wives and tips on how to be one. It has been a good resource for me as I'm about to enter Pastor-wife-dom and has inspired me to be a Spiritually Beautiful Woman of Faith.
Having that said, I haven't read much of it. Clearly.

Tonight we had a Bible study with the youth which Danny does every Sunday night. Some nights I am invited to come, especially when another adult can't be there. I enjoy the kids and think of it as another opportunity for spiritual growth for me and time I can spend with Danny.

After tonight, I may not get invited back.

As an "icebreaker" and intro to the study we played "Catch phrase." In this game of speed and on-your-feet thinking we all determined what Sarah, the future wife of Pastor Danny does when she gets stressed. She likes to cuss.

The game piece is handed to me. I pick a word that I realize they don't know as I'm trying to describe it. I decide an appropriate segway word would be....Damnit.

Good one. Very nice.


hootenannie said...

This is proof that you're going to be the coolest pastor's wife ever. The church NEEDS you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll pass the mantle of coolest pastor's wife ever on to you...
If there can be a "cussing pastor" (I believe it's Mark Driscoll), why not a cussing pastor's wife?
And, Annie, do you NOT think that I am the coolest pastor's wife ever? just wondering.
Susan P.

Sarah Kate said...

Yay! I've been handed the torch from a fellow "cool" pastor's wife. I couldn't be prouder. We rock!